ABARTH 595 Competizione 1.4 Turbo T-Jet 180 CV Carbon Look PREZZO REALE

Price 24.890 €
Billing with claimable vat
Condition used
Registration year 02/2022
Mileage 59.798
Fuel Gasoline
Displacement 1368 Cm³
Power 132 KW / 179 CV
Gearbox type Automatic (6)
External color Gray pastel
Interior color Alcantara Dark gray
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 Side airbags
 Passenger Airbag
 Airbag head
 Power windows
 Android Auto
 Apple CarPlay
 Car radio
 DAB Radio
 Alloy wheels
 Central locking
 Centralized remote control locking
 Climate control
 Automatic air conditioning, 2 zones
 Climate control
 Traction control
 Voice Control
 Full Service History
 Fog light
 Levers at the wheel
 LED daytime running lights
 Tire pressure monitoring
 Sports package
 Schermo multifunzione interamente digitale
 Split rear seat
 Light sensor
 Rear parking sensors
 Power steering
 Navigation system
 Sports suspension
 Sound system
 Side mirrors electrical
 Start / Stop Automatic
 Streaming musicale integrato
 Touch screen
 Darkened windows
 Multifunction steering wheel
 Side airbags
 Airbag head
 Android Auto
 Apple CarPlay
 DAB Radio
 Central locking
 Climate control
 Climate control
 Voice Control
 Levers at the wheel
 Tire pressure monitoring
 Sports package
 Split rear seat
 Rear parking sensors
 Navigation system
 Sound system
 Streaming musicale integrato
 Passenger Airbag
 Power windows
 Car radio
 Alloy wheels
 Centralized remote control locking
 Automatic air conditioning, 2 zones
 Traction control
 Full Service History
 Fog light
 LED daytime running lights
 Schermo multifunzione interamente digitale
 Light sensor
 Power steering
 Sports suspension
 Side mirrors electrical
 Start / Stop Automatic
 Touch screen
 Darkened windows
 Multifunction steering wheel
 Passenger Airbag
 Android Auto
 Car radio
 Centralized remote control locking
 Climate control
 Full Service History
 LED daytime running lights
 Sports package
 Light sensor
 Navigation system
 Side mirrors electrical
 Streaming musicale integrato
 Darkened windows
 Airbag head
 DAB Radio
 Alloy wheels
 Climate control
 Traction control
 Tire pressure monitoring
 Schermo multifunzione interamente digitale
 Rear parking sensors
 Sports suspension
 Touch screen
 Side airbags
 Power windows
 Apple CarPlay
 Central locking
 Automatic air conditioning, 2 zones
 Voice Control
 Fog light
 Levers at the wheel
 Split rear seat
 Power steering
 Sound system
 Start / Stop Automatic
 Multifunction steering wheel
Weight1140 Kg
Emission ClassEuro 6d
Fiscal HP15
Warranty12 months


Urban consumption8.7 l/100 km
Extraurban consumption5.7 l/100 km
Mixed consumption6.8 l/100 km
CO2 Emission154.0 g/km

Exterior and interior sizes

Approved seats: 4
Length: 3,66 m
Width: 1,49 m
Width: 1,63 m

Energy efficiency (emissions / KM)

154.0 g/Km


L'offerta è solo indicativa non costituendo un elemento contrattuale, fogli illustrativi in sede.

ORARI : dal LUNEDI' al VENERDI 9.30-12.30 / 14.30 - 18.30

SABATO 9.30-12.30 / 15.00 - 18.00

La Fratelli Leone s.r.l. declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in alcun modo un impegno contrattuale, , l'annuncio potrebbe contenere imprecisioni, ci scusiamo anticipatamente.
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